Run Java Code
Below is the list of test Cases for you to practice the Automation. Click on the scenario for detailed Test Steps:
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click on 'Signup / Login' button
5. Verify 'Login to your account' is visible
6. Enter correct email address and password
7. Click 'login' button
8. Verify that 'Logged in as username' is visible
9. Click 'Logout' button
10. Verify that user is navigated to login page
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click on 'Signup / Login' button
5. Verify 'New User Signup!' is visible
6. Enter name and already registered email address
7. Click 'Signup' button
8. Verify error 'Email Address already exist!' is visible
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click on 'Contact Us' button
5. Verify 'GET IN TOUCH' is visible
6. Enter name, email, subject and message
7. Upload file
8. Click 'Submit' button
9. Click OK button
10. Verify success message 'Success! Your details have been submitted successfully.' is visible
11. Click 'Home' button and verify that landed to home page successfully
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click on 'Test Cases' button
5. Verify user is navigated to test cases page successfully
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click on 'Products' button
5. Verify user is navigated to ALL PRODUCTS page successfully
6. The products list is visible
7. Click on 'View Product' of first product
8. User is landed to product detail page
9. Verify that detail detail is visible: product name, category, price, availability, condition, brand
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click on 'Products' button
5. Verify user is navigated to ALL PRODUCTS page successfully
6. Enter product name in search input and click search button
7. Verify 'SEARCHED PRODUCTS' is visible
8. Verify all the products related to search are visible
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Scroll down to footer
5. Verify text 'SUBSCRIPTION'
6. Enter email address in input and click arrow button
7. Verify success message 'You have been successfully subscribed!' is visible
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click 'Cart' button
5. Scroll down to footer
6. Verify text 'SUBSCRIPTION'
7. Enter email address in input and click arrow button
8. Verify success message 'You have been successfully subscribed!' is visible
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click 'Products' button
5. Hover over first product and click 'Add to cart'
6. Click 'Continue Shopping' button
7. Hover over second product and click 'Add to cart'
8. Click 'View Cart' button
9. Verify both products are added to Cart
10. Verify their prices, quantity and total price
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click 'View Product' for any product on home page
5. Verify product detail is opened
6. Increase quantity to 4
7. Click 'Add to cart' button
8. Click 'View Cart' button
9. Verify that product is displayed in cart page with exact quantity
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Add products to cart
5. Click 'Cart' button
6. Verify that cart page is displayed
7. Click Proceed To Checkout
8. Click 'Register / Login' button
9. Fill all details in Signup and create account
10. Verify 'ACCOUNT CREATED!' and click 'Continue' button
11. Verify ' Logged in as username' at top
12.Click 'Cart' button
13. Click 'Proceed To Checkout' button
14. Verify Address Details and Review Your Order
15. Enter description in comment text area and click 'Place Order'
16. Enter payment details: Name on Card, Card Number, CVC, Expiration date
17. Click 'Pay and Confirm Order' button
18. Verify success message 'Your order has been placed successfully!'
19. Click 'Delete Account' button
20. Verify 'ACCOUNT DELETED!' and click 'Continue' button
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click 'Signup / Login' button
5. Fill all details in Signup and create account
6. Verify 'ACCOUNT CREATED!' and click 'Continue' button
7. Verify ' Logged in as username' at top
8. Add products to cart
9. Click 'Cart' button
10. Verify that cart page is displayed
11. Click Proceed To Checkout
12. Verify Address Details and Review Your Order
13. Enter description in comment text area and click 'Place Order'
14. Enter payment details: Name on Card, Card Number, CVC, Expiration date
15. Click 'Pay and Confirm Order' button
16. Verify success message 'Your order has been placed successfully!'
17. Click 'Delete Account' button
18. Verify 'ACCOUNT DELETED!' and click 'Continue' button
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click 'Signup / Login' button
5. Fill email, password and click 'Login' button
6. Verify 'Logged in as username' at top
7. Add products to cart
8. Click 'Cart' button
9. Verify that cart page is displayed
10. Click Proceed To Checkout
11. Verify Address Details and Review Your Order
12. Enter description in comment text area and click 'Place Order'
13. Enter payment details: Name on Card, Card Number, CVC, Expiration date
14. Click 'Pay and Confirm Order' button
15. Verify success message 'Your order has been placed successfully!'
16. Click 'Delete Account' button
17. Verify 'ACCOUNT DELETED!' and click 'Continue' button
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Add products to cart
5. Click 'Cart' button
6. Verify that cart page is displayed
7. Click 'X' button corresponding to particular product
8. Verify that product is removed from the cart
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that categories are visible on left side bar
4. Click on 'Women' category
5. Click on any category link under 'Women' category, for example: Dress
6. Verify that category page is displayed and confirm text 'WOMEN - TOPS PRODUCTS'
7. On left side bar, click on any sub-category link of 'Men' category
8. Verify that user is navigated to that category page
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Click on 'Products' button
4. Verify that Brands are visible on left side bar
5. Click on any brand name
6. Verify that user is navigated to brand page and brand products are displayed
7. On left side bar, click on any other brand link
8. Verify that user is navigated to that brand page and can see products
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Click on 'Products' button
4. Verify user is navigated to ALL PRODUCTS page successfully
5. Enter product name in search input and click search button
6. Verify 'SEARCHED PRODUCTS' is visible
7. Verify all the products related to search are visible
8. Add those products to cart
9. Click 'Cart' button and verify that products are visible in cart
10. Click 'Signup / Login' button and submit login details
11. Again, go to Cart page
12. Verify that those products are visible in cart after login as well
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Click on 'Products' button
4. Verify user is navigated to ALL PRODUCTS page successfully
5. Click on 'View Product' button
6. Verify 'Write Your Review' is visible
7. Enter name, email and review
8. Click 'Submit' button
9. Verify success message 'Thank you for your review.'
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Scroll to bottom of page
4. Verify 'RECOMMENDED ITEMS' are visible
5. Click on 'Add To Cart' on Recommended product
6. Click on 'View Cart' button
7. Verify that product is displayed in cart page
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Click 'Signup / Login' button
5. Fill all details in Signup and create account
6. Verify 'ACCOUNT CREATED!' and click 'Continue' button
7. Verify ' Logged in as username' at top
8. Add products to cart
9. Click 'Cart' button
10. Verify that cart page is displayed
11. Click Proceed To Checkout
12. Verify that the delivery address is same address filled at the time registration of account
13. Verify that the billing address is same address filled at the time registration of account
14. Click 'Delete Account' button
15. Verify 'ACCOUNT DELETED!' and click 'Continue' button
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Add products to cart
5. Click 'Cart' button
6. Verify that cart page is displayed
7. Click Proceed To Checkout
8. Click 'Register / Login' button
9. Fill all details in Signup and create account
10. Verify 'ACCOUNT CREATED!' and click 'Continue' button
11. Verify ' Logged in as username' at top
12.Click 'Cart' button
13. Click 'Proceed To Checkout' button
14. Verify Address Details and Review Your Order
15. Enter description in comment text area and click 'Place Order'
16. Enter payment details: Name on Card, Card Number, CVC, Expiration date
17. Click 'Pay and Confirm Order' button
18. Verify success message 'Your order has been placed successfully!'
19. Click 'Download Invoice' button and verify invoice is downloaded successfully.
20. Click 'Continue' button
21. Click 'Delete Account' button
22. Verify 'ACCOUNT DELETED!' and click 'Continue' button
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Scroll down page to bottom
5. Verify 'SUBSCRIPTION' is visible
6. Click on arrow at bottom right side to move upward
7. Verify that page is scrolled up and 'Full-Fledged practice website for Automation Engineers' text is visible on screen
1. Launch browser
2. Navigate to url ''
3. Verify that home page is visible successfully
4. Scroll down page to bottom
5. Verify 'SUBSCRIPTION' is visible
6. Scroll up page to top
7. Verify that page is scrolled up and 'Full-Fledged practice website for Automation Engineers' text is visible on screen
We have identified above scenarios and added in the list.
You can explore more test cases in the website and if you find new test scenario that is not covered in above list, do let us know. We will definitely add that in above list.
If you think, this website should cover up any particular feature, kindly share with us at Upload file. We will work on that part. Your feedback matters a lot.